Word of the Day

Drag the tiles to make one word. When they link together, they are correct. Word Of The Day Puzzle provided by Quote Puzzler.

To find the meaning of the obscure word you just created, go to www.dictionary.com.

Monday, November 13, 2006

What is a "FeatherBee?"

Ok, since most people are probably wondering what the heck "FeatherBee" means, here it is: nothing. Seriously, it's just a nickname that someone gave to me years ago on a message board. It actually reminds me of that song "Willaby Wallaby Woo" by Raffi. Our music teacher sings it with the kids every year, and for a few weeks, I go around singing it in my head.

"Willaby Wallaby Weter,
An elephant sat on Peter.
Willaby Wallaby Weather,
An elephant sat on Heather."

Over...and over...and over....


Little Willow said...

Welcome to the book blog community! :)

. said...

Thank you!