Word of the Day

Drag the tiles to make one word. When they link together, they are correct. Word Of The Day Puzzle provided by Quote Puzzler.

To find the meaning of the obscure word you just created, go to www.dictionary.com.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Chocolate Help Needed!

The boys and girls had their Valentine's Day Party yesterday, due to the snowstorm. I was at a computer training class all day, so missed it. However, the substitute teacher left me two chocolate bon bons, which were simply fabulous!

So now I'm trying to figure out where to get more of these. It's beginning to feel less like a search of curiosity and more of a pregnant woman's obsession. Anyway, if anyone here can help me out, I'd be eternally grateful!

They were individually wrapped in gold foil wrappers that were twisted on each end. There was a red circle for the name area, which said "Whisper" in big letters and Chocolate Bon Bons in smaller letters. They're made by the Arco company in Argentina. They're chocolate on the outside, with a wafer shell and very light peanut butter on the inside. And they were delicious!


Anonymous said...

I love these as well. I too had them for the first time during Valentine's Day, a friend was using them in her V-Day basket. When I asked her where she got them from she said the Dollar General store. Since then she went back and could not find them but you may have better luck.

. said...

Wow, of all places! And there's a Dollar General 5 minutes down the road from me, yay! I'll be looking there later...

Anonymous said...

Dollar General has them but mostly only around Valentine's Day.