Word of the Day

Drag the tiles to make one word. When they link together, they are correct. Word Of The Day Puzzle provided by Quote Puzzler.

To find the meaning of the obscure word you just created, go to www.dictionary.com.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Here's the final product. The sea creatures are all wall stickers, I can't take credit for them. We have seahorses and shells coming in the mail still. (In case you were wondering, the A in the corner is his easel.) The headboard of the bed is the back of his old crib. I'm so pleased with how everything came out. I keep going in there and just looking around! (Sorry for the slight fuzziness...the pictures are clear when printed, and on my computer, I just can't seem to get the size right on here to make them clear. If you click on the picture, you can see more detail.)

1 comment:

Robin said...

Beautiful. You have so many talents!