Word of the Day

Drag the tiles to make one word. When they link together, they are correct. Word Of The Day Puzzle provided by Quote Puzzler.

To find the meaning of the obscure word you just created, go to www.dictionary.com.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

13 Week Midwife Appointment

I had my monthly appointment yesterday, with an ultrasound to check up on that subchorionic hemorrhage. The good news is that it has reabsorbed, and I'm off restricted activity, yay!

It was too early to see much on the ultrasound regarding gender. The tech did look for me, and all we saw was a mound and a tiny point, which from what I've read could either be the start of the penis or the clitoris. I'll have to wait until the end of March to know for sure. Baby was relaxing and pretty mellow this time, and we got some really cute pictures of the profile, a hand, and the soles of the feet. (Note to self: get a scanner!)

I've gained 8 pounds in 13 weeks, which my midwife says is fine, thankfully. I was afraid it was too much for the first trimester, but I think since it was a big jump in the first month, then settled down the past several weeks, she's not concerned. The morning sickness has remained away and I have much more energy than I did a few weeks ago.

All in all, it was a pretty routine appointment. The only interesting thing was that I had a migraine, and the nurse who was taking my blood pressure and other stats asked me if the flourescent light was bothering me. When I said yes, she offered to turn it off, shut the door, and let me just lay down until the midwife was ready to see me. Ahh, bliss. It was the best I had felt in about an hour. While the frequency of my migraines has gone up, their duration has shortened from their typical two days to one thankfully.

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