Word of the Day

Drag the tiles to make one word. When they link together, they are correct. Word Of The Day Puzzle provided by Quote Puzzler.

To find the meaning of the obscure word you just created, go to www.dictionary.com.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stumble Upon

I've been having the best time with my new "Stumble Upon" tool ever since somebody mentioned it over on the Babble chat! It's a little tool bar that goes with either Firefox or Explorer. You check off categories that match your interests, and when you click the "Stumble!" button, it will randomly take you to a website that you might like. As they say on their site, it basically lets you channel surf the web. Try it, I bet you won't regret it. It is addictive though, I must warn you!

1 comment:

Stidmama said...

I love this little widget! I have found several sites that I truly love, and am enjoying the exposure to some new ideas and items...

definitely addicting.

But in a good way. *she said hopefully*