I had my ultrasound today, and all went well. Well, aside from the tech coming a degree or two from burning my belly with the too hot gel! She said she'd been having trouble with that warmer. It was bad enough I had to have her wipe it off quickly. Baby is doing fine, the heartbeat is 173 bpm. He/she measured at 10 weeks, which according to my chart, I will be tomorrow. I do have a small subchorionic hemorrhage, which is just a small pool of blood in the uterus. It doesn't concern me much as I had the same thing with Daniel, and it just reabsorbed. I've not had any spotting, but if I do, I'll know what to attribute it to. Baby gave me quite a few good waves hello, and is doing great!
I don't have a scan of the ultrasound, but this shows what the little one looks like. The top left pic is to scale. From a really cool site,
I like the juxtaposition of the embryo photo just above the outer space photo from the hubble.
But then, I was an X-Files fan.
Congrats on the good ultrasound results!
PS I was an X-Files fan too.
sooo tiny! Congrats. :)
lmao, thanks guys!!!
That's a cool looking site - I'll have to scope it out now that I'm expecting #2 myself. :) Congrats Miss Featherbee!
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