Word of the Day

Drag the tiles to make one word. When they link together, they are correct. Word Of The Day Puzzle provided by Quote Puzzler.

To find the meaning of the obscure word you just created, go to www.dictionary.com.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Word Game

What two words, formed from different arrangements of the same six letters, can be used to complete the sentence below?
Although the police had a confession, the suspect declared that the interrogators had caused him to go into a ______ and he now wished to ______.
Answer is in the comments.


. said...

trance, recant

Nancy said...

YAY! I got it!

PS: Check my postcard post again. I updated it after you commented. :)

Stidmama said...

I got it too -- well, halfway. I thought "canter," LOL had been talking to one of the kids about horse lessons again.